About Me

       I am a fourth year, at the University of New England with a Marine Affairs major and minor in Communications. I am originally from Pennsylvania and have not spent too much time around the ocean; but that is one of the main reasons why I have decided to pursue the marine career. I have always had an interest in the ocean because such a low percentage of it has been discovered. Yet humans know more about outer space than our own planet. I feel like scientists are discovering something new almost every week about the ocean and our planet alone. Even though, we know almost everything about the shallow depths of the ocean and scientists are trying to discover almost impenetrable depths; I think there is still more to find on the top surfaces of the ocean. Trying to discover more about the ocean and communicating to the public about what is found concerning the ocean is one of the major reasons why I came to the University of New England. There is such an amazing program here for marine science majors to get out in the ocean, to be hands-on, learning what they need, to succeed in the workforce and try to help make the earth a better place to live.