Who I Am?

I would say when it comes to working in group projects I tend to express the following strengths;

  • Responsible: I ensure I know what I am to be working on and understand what everyone else is working on. I ensure that I get everything that is tasked to me completed. If someone else in the group needs help on something depending on what it is I am willing to help. 
  • Time Consious: I know when to get things done in a timely manner and which things should be done first or simultaneously. I want to ensure that we have enough time to turn the project in with error time; so like if something occurs we have time to fix it. 
  • Creative input: I throw ideas out to the entire group and get their input on ideas as a whole. Or if there is a standstill I come up with a compromisable solution that could work for everyone. I feel that it is important for there to be some creative design to things which means I like to ensure there is some visual aesthetic to the project vs cut and dry visuals. 
  • Task Checker: I am not sure how to exactly word it, however, I make sure that everyone else is getting through their parts like I am. In addition to making sure that everyone has an equal amount or atleast a reasonable share of work. 
  • Easy going: I think this is a strength because if other people are stressing about not beable to get their part done or something I can reinforce them with positive feedback such as, “everything will be okay and it will be figured out soon enough.”