Reflection of Dry-Run

After watching my Dry-Run video I think that I am doing better with controlling my hands and not having such a nervous voice (fast-talking). I also believe I am getting a clearer message across when I am talking about what one big goal of someone’s may be. What I mean by that is my definition for what collaboration means and looks like as well as responsibility and including how it may not necessarily be wanting more work but realizing you need some things taken off your plate. 

While those are some things that I feel I have improved on and are working well for me I also saw some areas I need to work on. One of the biggest things was my eye movements and stance (posture). While I did keep my hands clasped together and feet planted for most of the speech I did let them slip into movements occasionally that I feel as though I could reduce before the final speech. As for my eye movements I could see at the beginning I was kind of searching for where or who to look at. This made it seem like I was lost and didn’t know where to look.