Observation Seven

We are coming to the end of September which means the seasons are changing and it’s getting colder outside. But don’t worry Kiwi Eco Box is here to shine some light on some self-care activities you can do to take care of yourself this fall. While this isn’t necessarily a product or true environmental advocacy post they are showing they care about their followers and people who come across their posts. 

Yesterday Kiwi Eco Box posted a story that entices the viewer to see the next story they post about liquid soap. By mentioning “If you can’t imagine your life without liquid soap….. Watch next story” to which if you would click to the next story it is a video about reusing plastic hand bottles by using a powder soap that when mixed with warm water turns into liquid soap. They also posted the video on their actual feed as well just in case people do not look at their story or vice versa if the followers do not see their post but they see their story. The company is keeping Instagram’s algorithm in mind as they have seen depending on when they post all of their followers may not see every single one of their posts.

The followers and commenters enjoyed both of these posts and stories. Although not as much as some of their other posts as one post got more likes than the other with one comment and the other received more comments than the first with an accompanying low 47 likes.