Article One

“Pittsburgh Against Facism in India Holds Protest at Frick Fountain”

The University of Pittsburgh News has captured videos and some pictures of students, faculty, and a few community members chanting “Aazaadi, Aazaadi” which is Hindi for Freedom. The event was held to protest against fascism in India on Sunday, January 26, 2020. Two graduate students, Silpa Mukherjee and Abhisheck Viswanathan, of the University of Pittsburgh, helped organize and spoke at the event. The protest coincided with the “70th celebration of Indian Republic Day.” On this day the protest got nothing but support, not only was there a protest in Pittsburgh but across India, protestors were trying to protest for all people in India be free. As the protest went on different people spoke and all emphasized the importance of coming together as one. The group that organized the protest and teach in will not stop here. They are continuing their efforts to educate people on the issue and to keep more people updated on fascism in India.