Editorial Team Reflection

Looking through the editorial team responses there are many areas that were similar throughout the entire workshop process. A lot of the things that needed to be fixed dealt with beginner journalistic characteristics. What I mean by that is writing in full-length paragraphs instead of short to the point paragraphs that give enough detail that the reader knows what is going on. Another issue I saw throughout the papers was staying on topic. Most of the stories that we discussed tended to lean away from the main topic a little bit and it resulted in the reader being a bit confused. Another point that we all talked about was quotes. Many of us had a few quotes in our first draft, but it was not enough to really help back up the story. On top of that many of us needed diverse quotes; quotes from varying people. Kind of going off of that, some times we needed to reorganize where we had the quotes placed. Like myself, I had smashed most of the quotes I had in the very end. Which ended up not being beneficial for the reader. I liked that not only did we focus on the things that needed to be fixed in our first drafts we also talked about things that each of us did well. Like how some of us had well-written leads that told us exactly what we needed to know to get the story going. Others had a very good voice being shown, they did not let their voice be masked by what they were talking about. I was one that had been commended for adding a picture in my story so that people could see how the parking lots are set up. I think this workshop process was very well incorporated into the writing process. I think it had helped us all see where we needed to improve in and where we did well.