Journal #3

I think the idea of women’s advocacy is great and really should be talked about more. However, I tend to lean more towards marine/environmental outreach and education with the community in terms of a topic that I am really interested in. So with that being said, I feel like three types of non-profit organizations that I would be interested in are; marine, science education, and maybe community outreach or something related to that. Honestly, I am also open to looking at art within non-profit organizations and how they use it to educate the community or students. I just really feel that science education is a huge part of our everyday lives that is not really taken seriously and I think by finding ways to incorporate science even more prominently would be very beneficial to society. Some examples of non-profit organizations include the following (all of which fit one or more of my interesting types); Oceanarium and Education center, Oceanside Conservation Trust of Casco Bay, Acadia Center, Cornerstones of Science, and ArtWaves. I feel like looking into one of these or something that is similar would be a great position to put myself into after graduation. As I could use the knowledge gained from creating a grant proposal for one of them and apply it to an interview or something.