Journal #4

Two organizations came together for a single cause. They are continuously updating the designs and trainings to ensure organizations that are taking them (the trainings) are up to date. I feel like this is an important thing that they mentioned because there are a lot of businesses that may not realize how important it is for the information to be current and up to date. Not to mention the basic information the organization wants the individuals/organizations taking the trainings to have in terms of the different types of funders and the reasons behind why they are giving out grants. I feel like these may not seem as important right away to some organizations but even the simplest of things can be crucial to an organization’s success. I really like how at the end of the informational session they provide an example of how to go about using the Foundation directory online website to go about finding grants and funders within your specific interests. Then if that option doesn’t work they have a funding information network website that they own and you could use it instead of the previous website. I think it is beneficial because some people may not understand just from listening, they need to actually see how to go about something like this. The last thing I want to mention was the overall theme I feel like that came from this which was the importance of relationships. The video mentioned how you don’t need to know a funder but it sure does help get your organization’s foot in the door if you do. Not to mention the fact that funders can be closer than many may think; they can be found through talking to board members or donors, the organization’s partner(s), current funders, and even the organization’s LinkedIn networks.