Journal #17

The purpose of the organization’s evaluation is to assess the success of the new Grow Native Initiative the YRFCA plans to introduce to the York area for an entire year. The results of the evaluation will let us, the organization, know what worked, what didn’t, and how we may want to change things for the Grow Native Initiative to be more successful than the first year it was run. From the data and surveys collected, we will know the following. What kinds of individuals are more likely to participate in the reduction of GHG through the educational pamphlets and town native plant fests that will occur. We will also know what nonnative and invasive plants have been spotted the most (In which there will be noticeable pullings of the plants) and which native plants have been planted the most. In addition, the number of individuals that come to our website for more information or webinars will be gathered to see what people want to know more about and what isn’t working on the website. 

Due to the lack of information, we do not yet know what areas we need to target the most in terms of locations of events and which local businesses we should prioritize more so that we may reach the greatest amount of households and individuals. 

The community will be better with this initiative put in place because it will help increase the air purity and circulation by the increase of native plant species that can correct the irregular air circulation that is currently progressing. This will also help destress individuals and lead to more people being outside which will all lead to a happier and more uplifting environment which could help increase tourism and the economy. Lastly, the education and correction of invasive and nonnative plants will help combat climate change through the reduction of GHG.

The money will be used to ensure the best outcome of results for the funder, our organization, and the community as a whole. In addition to advocating for some of the best possible solutions in combatting climate change. The program budget will most likely be just what we need if we play our cards right we should be able to get everything in order to effectively implement the Grow Native Initiative and combat climate change for the betterment of the community.